Gümüş Üye
Gümüş Üye
- Firma Adı
- : Smartphones
- Yetkili Adı
- : Smartphones mobile phones
- Adres
- : phone,phone prices
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- : Adana / Merkez
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Bu firma
Bugün 1, Bu Ay
7 , toplamda
7 kez ziyaret edildi.
Firma Detayları
Smartphones,mobile phones,mobile phone campaigns,comparison phone,phone,phone prices by posting the results here and we will investigate the shopping merekli helping to keep working.Today, mobile phone companies compete with each other was to so many of gelistiki newly developed products, and if we were surprised when we get the phone, which one so I could get his camera its fine this processor is a battery that beautiful screen, etc is the prettiest I think you would act according to your price range if you ask me the new phone instead of always more to get a model of that model sub good is one of the more affordable.The price is falling because almost half the price of the new version feature new versions although it is not much between herpes at the price it is sold.
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